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Is It True You Can Only Dream of People You’ve Seen Before?

And What Meaning Do Unknown People Have In Your Dreams?

Gabby Schaefer
4 min readOct 26, 2019


It has been said that our minds can not make people up in our dreams; that the people we don’t know in our dreams are people we’ve seen at some point in our lives, whether we noticed them or not.

I think our subconscious can choose people we’ve seen but haven’t noticed in our waking lives; but I believe that it can also create people.

Why do I believe this?


You have an imagination!

Photo by Michael on Unsplash

Your imagination is a mysterious & fun part of your mind. You, your imagination and your subconscious are one. You all work together, constantly, throughout every day and night. They are you and you are them. There’s no separation. Together, all three parts of you can make anything up.

For example: I had a dream that I lived on a planet that definitely wasn’t Earth. It was rocky and there were many mountains all around the small community I lived in with other humans. We walked to one of the mountains. While we were climbing the…

